Civic Life

A thriving and vibrant society requires innovation and social equity.

LSPFF supports emerging social entrepeneurs who are bravely advancing equity in civic spaces. We are particularly interested in systems-change humanitarian initiatives, and efforts to shape public consciousness about the importance of democracy and social justice. We prioritize projects that empower diverse and local change-makers.

Spotlight: Civic Life

Obama Foundation

The Obama Foundation invests in the future by inspiring, empowering, and connecting social entrepreneurs who will lead change to create a better world. It understands that children will reach their full potential if given education, opportunities, and mentorship. Outstanding global civic innovators are supported, inspiring a wave of civic innovation. The Obama Presidential Center is an inspired and remarkable presidential library and museum; it is a focal point for social changemaking, generating social activism, leveraging powerful networks to amplify change, and inspiring a better future for all.

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Spotlight: Civic Life

San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association

SPUR, the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association, works to create an equitable, sustainable and prosperous region, by bringing people together from across the political spectrum to develop solutions to the big problems cities face. The organization works across the nine counties of the Bay Area, with a deep focus in San Francisco, San José and Oakland.

Featured Grantees

Civic Life

Center for American Progress

Improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action by addressing 21st century challenges

Teachers Rooted in Oakland

Innovatively addressing economic and housing insecurity for teachers of color in Oakland Unified School District