Children’s & Women’s Health
Peer Health Exchange
Peer Health Exchange (PHE) works with young people to co-create healthier communities by developing opportunities for peers to share health information, tools and resources. Reaching more than 150,000 ninth graders in public schools across the country, young people are navigating sexual health, substance, relationship, and mental health matters empowered with information and peer support. In response to a dramatic increase in demand for mental health support, PHE launched a digital community—selfsea—so young people can learn from near-peers and get connected to tailored and holistic resources. Reaching young people where they are, Peer Health Exchange has an important presence on TikTok, and has worked with the education, philanthropy, and trust and safety teams to develop content that is PHE’s “secret sauce”—diverse, dynamic young adults providing inclusive, identity-affirming, accurate health content to help young people take action on their health.